...no gas tonight on my stove. it's true. bear's been cut off of the gas supply. because my hot water is paid for through HOA and i only dust my stove, i never switched the gas bill into my name. hell, i didn't even know i was supposed to get a gas bill. the sweet guy on the other end this morning informed me that the soonest someone could come out was thursday. what? i asked him how i should clean myself. i've been offered showers at sharon and johna's but i really wanted him to tell me -- not everyone is as lucky to have friends who will allow me to clean at their house. well, sharon probably didn't know it'd be for 2 days. well, i got a shower in after i power washed everything in sight yesterday afternoon; so after work today i go to sharon's to clean rsq off of me. scully is so muddled in mats this summer that i think another shaving is in her future. this time, i plan on really trying to get into a routine of brushing her when she doesn't have mats. she needs to know that brushing can be enjoyable, not just when she has mats and it hurts. because she has such long hair i have to be able to maintain it. i know she's old and you can't teach an old cat new tricks, but i think scully is the exception to the rule. it only took her a month to realize she could walk right through the screen at the back door. jen's cat moe took about 10 minutes to come on in and help herself to a snack and cat nip - but that's my monster. i've retrieved my iTunes from sharon but not all the music is there - some of it just never made it. soooo, i've been going through, seeing what's missing and making spreadsheets. some of it is lost, some of it is on my c drive and some cd's i lost in the divorce. the ones that are lost that i've downloaded from iTunes really gets me bothered. i feel like since it's been purchased digitally there should be a way to get them back. i can't seem to figure out how to contact iTunes regarding this matter. perhaps it's just not possible. i guess i have to figure out which ones i can't live without. my iPod is full of the old iTunes library so i may just keep my iPod as is. here's a question - jason, perhaps? once i've gone through and replaced existing files with my hard copies, can i plug my iPod into my computer and upload new songs without the ones on the iPod that are not in my library anymore going away? does this make sense? so many questions, so little time. well, everyone, things are getting serious. we must vote in droves to keep out the oldest guy to run for president and the pit bull with lipstick. this woman makes me ropable. i normally tell people i don't care who they vote for but i do this time. obama for change people. get out in the streets and make sure "they" don't steal the election again. because they are already trying. make sure your vote, and ALL votes, are counted! get registered. if you live here in portland many local restaurants and cafe's have become places to register. hell, even rsq is registering people. we are also showing our support for obama... 
vote november 4, 2008. vote for change we can believe in. vote barack obama.
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