carlos is going to try and work on my computer again! i have faith he can fix it.
while i was at ikea this weekend i saw this vw wagon with this fairyland bumper sticker and i got giddy inside! i had to take a picture. my parents used to take me and kris all the time to fairyland in oakland. i know there's a few of you out there who remember fairyland - the plastic keys? awesome!
don't forget to tivo or watch biden and palin go at it in a cage match tonight. it should be fun to watch biden try not to openly berate or humiliate palin and for palin not to come off like a total idiot. i mean, if you can't tell katie couric which publications you get your information from, you know you're in trouble. don't worry, people, she has her "sources."
hey, don't forget to register to vote. IF YOU'VE MOVED YOU MUST RE-REGISTER!
NOVEMBER 4, 2008
directly into the water.
6 years ago
You mean the plastic key that's shaped like an elephant?!? My my still has ours and they also work at the Oakland Zoo!