dear mom and dad, you'll be happy to know that "the cooperative" has sprung into action regarding my clogged drain. diane and jana came over last night and we attempted to snake the drain. unfortunately, once we got all the pipes torn up and whatnot, we realized we couldn't see which way the pipes drained. we tried for almost 2 hours. i was resigned to calling a plumber. a couple of hours later my husband, johna, calls telling me that linda (my realtor) has offered to "call in a favor." she knows many plumbers. the only downside is that i don't know when he'll show up -- so today i run errands and enjoy my coffee and paper out in the world. this goes to show, it's all who you know. i would like to expose a ray of light in the great economic disaster of 08 - MCCAIN IS LOSING GROUND! it's true. i feel it. i feel a shift. i think people are starting to come to their senses and a "trickle down" effect is beginnig to happen. as in, shit rolls downhill mccain. perhaps being w.'s supporter wasn't the best idea you ever had. obama (and the american people) shall reap the benefits. thank you, john mccain, for helping us elect the first african-american president and chainging the tide of america. i salute you. VOTE NOVEMBER 4, 2008 FOR CHANGE. FOR PEACE. VOTE OBAMA. I just figured out who the "cooperative" is. I thought possibly you had some homeowners thingy that would take care of stuff like that...