well kiddies, we've got two more days in this crazy campaign and it's time to make your voice heard. i know i've been super obnoxious about reminding you to vote and all, but complacency is what frightens me. some say obama has it in the bag, but i'm not so sure. i have my faith, of course, where i wake up every morning and be grateful that barack obama is the next president of the united states. i have my faith in the american people that they have felt betrayed by the current administration and will do anything for something different. all i'm saying is that just because you think everyone else is voting doesn't mean you shouldn't. i have stopped watching anything but rachel maddow and stopped reading the polls. i feel like the media has the power to sway people and i think this is the time to stop listening to fox news and air america and listen to your gut. your gut cannot allow more of the same. do you want more oppression and lies?
so, here's my final push - please vote for change, whatever you think that may be. don't forget to vote on your communities measures. change starts at home. california, vote NO on prop 8, please. protect marriage by voting NO. arizona and florida - please don't pass your constitutional measures either on same sex marriages. i would like to take a moment to thank my mother for telling the canvasser that came to her door that it was no business of his who is marrying who and that her and my father would be voting NO on 8. thanks mom. it warmed my core. we have the opportunity to change the course of our country. don't forget to be a part of it.
on the same topic, i saw w. last week and felt cheated by oliver stone. i felt like he wanted me to sympathize with w. because of his "daddy issues." really? daddy issues? wah, wha, wha. daddy never approved! he loved jeb more than me! even though i committed treason - and should go to jail - to finish what you started, you still don't love me?! come on, oliver. you can do better than that. i think this film exposed cheney as more the bad guy and w. just an idiot head of the biggest fraternity in the world. forget about all the lying, stealing and treason going on. not addressed with any gusto. it's basically glossed over while w. and cheney eat sandwiches and talk about figuring out a way to manipulate all of us (including his own cabinet) into thinking there was weapons of mass destruction. this is huge and it's brought up while w. has pastrami hanging out of his mouth. however, as much as i hated w. i must say that josh brolin was a-mazing. he had w. down to a tee. an oscar nomination is possible. thandi newton's condoleezza rice was absolutely hideous. it was a cross between and 80 year old katherine hepburn and a marionette. god. i was embarrassed for her.
can we talk survivor for a minute? i must give props to sugar for finally starting to play this game. i think she would have stayed with ace had he not asked for the immunity idol to have in his pocket for tribal council. oh, and on a sidebar, i hate when they make both teams go to tribal council. i think that's bullshit. anyway, back to ace. sugar made the right move at the right time. having said that, i don't think sugar ever planned on voting ace out. i don't think she's a strategic player. however, she has spent plenty of time out at the "sugar shack" and what else to do but strategize? oh, and eat fruit and sleep. the only foreseeable problem is that everyone must know she has it because she's the only one who's been out there. so once the merge comes (if she makes it and fang hasn't tried to flush it out), she will have quite a target on her back. she'd have to be blindsided and i don't think that will be as easy as everyone thinks. especially when koto sees that she voted out ace. what about ken? our gamer? he's the one who planted the seed with sugar about ace and what's going on around camp when she's out vacationing at the sugar shack. it's only fair that she know - and ken really didn't say anything that wasn't true about ace. ace's big mistake was - well, besides the fake accent he couldn't keep going the entire time - assuming that sugar would just let him "borrow" the idol for tribal council. if you wanted immunity you should have won it for yourself. well, i'm fine with ace going. actually, there isn't anyone i really like this season. i find myself siding with sugar because she doesn't really have any allies. she's spent so much time away from camp that it's hard to connect with anyone. randy actually makes me laugh. this guy is so freaking miserable it's comical. at first i hated randy, but now i just have to laugh. he's one of those guys that get off on being a tool. who else? marcus the magnificent (as twop so affectionately call him). jeez this guy is like too perfect, huh? charlie couldn't agree more either. jacquie, i miss you and all that you brought to survivor: gabon.
directly into the water.
6 years ago
So I totally agree with you about Survivor...I was liking Matty but then last week he was so douchy with Crystal about the rice and all that I got off that bandwagon. Then when Sugar totally backstabbed Ace I took one step toward the pinup girl!
ReplyDeleteAs far as prop 8 goes, I wish someone would come to my door so I could tell them off as well. I can't believe the momentum the Yes people have right now - total scare tactics.
Tim will see you today and we will see you in 2 weeks!!!