i want to blog but what to blog about? i suppose i could tell you about the amazing movie the curious case of benjamin button. you all know what it's about right? the baby that's born as an old man? yeah, that one. brad pitt ages backwards. it's one of the most amazing love stories i've ever watched. cate blanchette [*sigh*] and brad pitt [*sigh*] are so believable as a couple who meet when they are 7 - she a ordinary 7 year old and he a 7 year old old boy living in an old folks home - who looks like an old man. they fall in love instantly - she sees he's a young person trapped in an old person's body, literally. once their ages collide they come together and have a love affair that lasts years. those scenes are awesome because it's so believable that they are in love, that's they've always loved each other and that they will always love each other. the story is being told in the present right before katrina hits new orleans. brad pitt calls it a love story to new orleans. after i get over their love story, i'll watch it again and watch it from the city's point of view. i hope this film wins some awards. i loved it.

i've bitten my nails off. well, not completely off just - well, down. not as bad as they used to be but they don't look super good. i just can't bring myself to bite them down as far as i had. thank god. it all started after the shingles. i traded shingles for nail biting. it's a decent trade, i suppose. i'm trying to stop again. it's worse than smoking! you can't, you know, just not buy a pack of fingernails for chewing.
now that arctic blast is over we're on to flood watch 09. as al roker so gently put it this morning, "they're getting hammered in the pacific northwest!" we're lucky here in portland. everywhere else in oregon and washington is flooding. highway 5 is closed to seattle! closed! highway 5! the air is strangely warm but the wind is cool. does that make sense? when the wind isn't blowing the air is quite arid. humid, maybe.

went to the blazers/pistons game last night. the first 3 quarters were so boring i could have dozed off. the crowd was just not into the game. the trailblazers went down 14 at one point. it was as quiet as i've heard it in the 5 games i've been to this season. jarryd bayless played 17 minutes (a season high) and was just a spark in that second unit; which is a complete mess due to brandon roy being out. he really showed the fans what he can do with a little playing time. he was pumped to be on the floor everytime he was out there. lamarcus aldridge finished with 26 points. i was so happy to see that l.a. has stepped up while brandon's been on the injured list. the 4 games brandon's been out l.a. has averaged 20 points a game. he has to be the leader when brandon is not on the floor. and he did it. i was impressed. he also has played an ass-load of minutes! this is the second game i've gone to that was determined by 1 point in the final seconds. 84-83. the home opener against san antonio was also determined in the final seconds, 101-99. all of the games i've attended so far my portland trailblazers have won. awesome. go blazers!
I want to see this movie too - it reminds me of a book I read called the Time Travelers Wife...it is on my Goodreads.
Love you!
I want to see this movie as well. I'm glad that you liked it.