lost. yes, i'm all caught up. i watched the last 3 episodes yesterday. wow. i have almost absolutely no idea what's going on, but i am so compelled to keep watching. time/space continuum? quantum physics? what? i barely got out of algebra II. and physics? right.
is locke dead? will they be able to bring him back once they get him back to the island via time travel? what about charolette? truly dead? where's claire (she was cute and that accent? yes!)? what about all of the people who have died on the island? what's to stop them from going back and saving them? see, it's a never ending circle once you start screwing with the past to try and change the future. it's scientific fact (ok, only in the movies and tv) that things happen for a reason and you can't change those things back once they've happened. oh, and when the island is revving up to time travel, i can almost feel that pressure building up in my head. i better not end up with a bloody nose sitting here on my couch.
another thing. is it wrong to have a weird fascination with ben linus? at first he really creeped me out - but now, i have, not a crush per se, but i love his character. is he bad? is he really trying to help the oceanic 6 or is he leading them into a trap? i can't wait to figure that one out.
i think i need to mention the top 36 on american idol. here they are in two categories, totally forgettable and totally memorable. you can see their pictures here.
who? what? where?
kristen - nope
ann marie - who?
jeanine - uh...
jasmine - i remember her face, but i'm not sure about the singing.
taylor - ...not recalling...
kai - again, i remember his face (mostly because he reminds me of sayid) but not his voice.
megan - where was i when they were picking?
casey - sorry i missed her. she's cute.
kris - um, uh, nope.
mishavonna - again, where was i?
jessica - meeeeooooow!
rick - i thought he was the guy whose wife died. oops. wrong guy.
allison - 2 l's huh?
ju'not - how can you forget a guy with this name? that's not a good sign.
matt - zoinks! i have no clue about this guy. i don't even remember his face!
oh, yeah, i remember them...
jackie - bluesy raspy voice. she's also sassy and different. i like that.
matt - i remember this guy because i don't think he should have made it.
stephen - this guy definitely shouldn't have made it. he walked off stage during his final performance.
lil rounds - yes! she will go far. she's the one me and randy think has a little mary j in her. she could win.
jorge - yes. this guy? hate him.
von - hate this guy too. too cheesy.
scott - the blind guy. um, i like this guy. i think he's actually quite talented.
kendall - she's got the face, but i can't recall the voice. how do these people think they will win if we can't remember them?
tatiana - you know you're annoying when irritate ellen degeneres. that laugh. ugh.
daniel - i busted this guys balls during auditions about his sob story (his wife died). he's only gotten better. his buddy (the guy with the pierced face) shockingly didn't make it. i thought he was more original than, say, matt or stephen.
nathanial - remember him during hollywood week? the crying. the whining. "i want this so baaaad!" wha-wha-wha. he'll bring the drama should he make it out of the first few rounds.
alexis - she's good but not solid.
alexander - he was the kid who sang for the very last spot. i was impressed. he's super dorky - sort of a josh grobin type.
felicia - she's the chick who is taking the place of the other chick who can't be in the competition because she's a professional singer. duh.
anoop - in the house! i adore this guy. he's adorable and cool and i think he's going to capture the hearts of america. (ha! i can't believe i just said that! but how can you not love a guy named anoop? i can already hear randy, "anooooop dawg!")
michael - well. this guy and matt were in a sing off together and they both went through. they both remind me of the guy who sings real good at the local tavern.
stevie - the girl that was named after stevie nicks. i thought she was good.
nicolas/norman - i was appalled that this guy got through. i mean, really. between him and tatiana my head might explode.
arianna - i thought she was sweet.
adam - he wears far too much make-up. it's distracting.
brent - you gotta have the "rough and tumble guy with the voice of an angel"*. meet brent.
there ya go. i'm curious to see how this goes. the most memorable to me were lil, jackie, anoop and daniel. tonight the real competition starts. let's see what these fools are made of!
*[i don't personally think brent has the voice of an angel but i bet paula has a hard on for this guy.]
directly into the water.
6 years ago
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