you know, american idol really knows how to suck up an hour. these elimination shows are crap. you know we could watch it in 10 minutes. hell, why don't they just post it online?
i am shocked and appalled that michael was either the top male vote getter or the 3rd most votes. michael over anoop? no!!! it's down to tatiana and daniel! oh my goodness! who will it be? i know there will be a round of commercials...paula thinks danny should go through. i agree because i can't take tatiana any longer. oh ryan - after the break! america voted ... danny! thank god! holla back. let's see how dramatic tatiana is ... yep, there she goes. bawling while danny sings. i love it. so, alexis and danny totally deserve it, but michael? i still don't like it.
i hope next week's hopefuls bring it cause this week was a bummer.
how do you all feel about the new emliminaton system? you know they are bringing back the wild card, right? these people aren't out...right?
do any of you watch the real housewives...series on bravo!? well, i love the new york wives, but i recently got sucked into a real housewives of atlanta marathon. whoa, these ladies are hard core mean and stuck up. wow. i'm still wondering what sheree means when she says in the credits that people are "intimidated by my success." is her success sucking her ex-husband dry of his millions? she doesn't work. she claims she's a "fashion designer" however, she doesn't sketch, sew or know anything about the industry (i think i know more from watching project runway). she dresses well so she thinks she's a fashion designer. sheree is also so full of herself i can't even look at her. kim is delusional thinking she's a country music star when she can't even sing. and when i say she can't sing, i totally mean it. her boyfriend got her a session with famous producer dallas austin and his face was priceless when she started singing. she also dropped $18,000 on her kid's 12th birthday party. it's like a punch to the gut isn't it? she's divorced (of course) and dating somebody, supposedly famous, she calls big poppa. i hate that she is using the notorious b.i.g.'s name in vain. deshawn is married to eric snow of the cleavland cavs. he's on the brink of retiring. deshawn also had a charity event in which she raised almost zero dollars. yikes. she seems like a nice woman, actually. same with her friend lisa. she's an nfl wife and she didn't have enough drama to get much air time. her husband has just been traded to the oakland raiders after an injury. lisa wishes he would stop playing all together. then there's nene (knee-knee). she's actually my favorite wife. she's hilarious and speaks the truth. she's totally in tune with how ridiculous kim and sheree are (they are all at odds - kim used to be bff's with nene, then there was a fight between nene and sheree and kim decided to be mad at nene so now kim is bff's with sheree and hates nene...oh, high society, eh?) so, she's dealing with those two idiots at the same time that someone in her family wrote her a letter that said that the man she thought was her father, curtis, isn't her father. nene's mother is dead so she can't confirm. so they did what anyone on maury would do, a paternity test. it was shocking to her however, nene's cool with it. i'm curious if these women will get together for a second season.
anyway. whew.
directly into the water.
6 years ago
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