Wednesday, April 29, 2009
shit. we couldn't finish off these damn kids. now we are on our heels and the kids probably are feeling momentum. a lot of folks have been predicting trailblazer's in 7. sure the houston rockets haven't gotten out of the first round of playoffs - well, ever (0-6). sure we all think the calls in the series are bogus. if we have to come back to the rose garden, we're fucked.
rip city uprise!
playoffs 2009
blazers in 7
Saturday, April 25, 2009
in regards...
what about my trailblazers, huh? even though they lost last night they made a hell of a run a little too late last night. i do think they scared the rockets a bit there. their lack of defense and the inability to get anything to go down was truly frustrating. these teams are extremely well matched and all of these games are going to be hard won. i'm proud of my guys for not giving up - continuing to shoot and be aggressive. they are definitely the underdogs here but if they can steal one on sunday i think we have a chance. rip city uprise is at a full fever pitch here. signs in everyone's windows, businesses supporting the team and everyone in their gear on game day. last night at rsq every other table was sporting a tee-shirt, a jersey or hat supporting the boys on the road. go get em guys. watch those tapes. we've contained yao, now we need to contain luis scola and von wafer. these guys are desimating us. lamarcus did a good job on scola last night but he just couldn't miss. oh, and refs? just cause we are young and inexperienced doesn't mean the whistle shouldn't be blown on both ends. oh, and just because greg oden breathes on the ball doesn't mean he's commited a foul. give the kid a break! hang in there fellas. if anything, this is the most amazing learning experience and i think they've surprised some folks with their determination after being blown out in game 1.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
wow. this man is so full of hate i just don't know what to say. my "favorite" part of this rant is that the second caller only gets enough air time to praise "dr" savage and he cuts the caller off twice to hear his own voice. freedom of speech? how about other parts of that constitution, like "all men are created equal"? this man is sick and twisted. i'm sorry to whatever happened to him in his life that made him so un-compassionate. he's probably one of those guys who goes to seedy rest stops to get a blow job from a male prostitute.
check out these tragic stories about 2 11-year-old boys who took their own lives - they killed themselves over this! - because they were bullied at school about being gay. most kids aren't even aware of this at that age. bullying is not taken seriously enough at schools and i hope these two stories can change that...
carl joseph walker-hoover & jaheem herrera.
peace everyone.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
la lohan!

We loved: Charcuterie plate with foie gras bonbon; steak tartare and quail egg toast; chicken liver mousse with candied bacon. -food & wine magazine
Friday, April 17, 2009
tonight we eat at beast. naiomi was just names one of the best chefs by food and wine magazine. i'm hungry thinking about it! i'll have a full report later...
Monday, April 13, 2009
thanks. thanks a lot!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
please watch all 7:07 of it. you won't be sorry.
youtube wouldn't let me embed it so you have to go there to watch it.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
over the river & through the woods...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
why i love rachel maddow reason #12,591
always remember first!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
we love la

no superstars? you sure about that?
lamarcus aldridge [35 points, 18 rebounds, 39 minutes]
el magico numero ... uno!
"for us it's not about phoenix and the rest of these teams. we're taking care of business and just focusing on us continuing to win games. we know the next one will clinch and then once we do that, we go from there." - nate mcmillan, blazer's head coach
Thursday, April 2, 2009
i'm sorry...
speaking of apologies, did you all see this...
this portia is all over the damn place! but this is a homo classic. hilarious and subversive all at the same time. kudos for all this speaking out porsh. it's nice seeing her on tv because, well, she's hot. oh and her show is pretty funny too. she's got that stone-face hilarity down to a science. check it out if you haven't. oh, it's called 'better off ted'. bad title but good, smart comedy. wednesday abc 8.30...
"paid for by married gay people who are sorry" HA!
tomorrow is friday and you know what that means people, record night! these are the records in the frames this week...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
oh, right
"imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. no hell below us, above us only sky. imagine all the people living for today. imagine there's no countries. it isn't hard to do. nothing to kill or die for and no religion too. imagine all the people living life in peace. you may say that i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one. i hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one. imagine no possessions. i wonder if you can. no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. imagine all the people sharing all the world. you may say that i'm a dreamer, but I'm
not the only one. i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one."
the stretch

el magico numero...2!!!!!!!!