local sports columnist john canzano snapped a photo of yao ming after their loss to portland 88-78 on tuesday night. go here to see the photo. yao sits in a corner in the locker room icing his feet in a bucket. there's a big stink about the photo - some saying canzano violated yao's privacy by posting it on his site. i think the photo is genius and quite telling. this is what yao was thinking...
shit. we couldn't finish off these damn kids. now we are on our heels and the kids probably are feeling momentum. a lot of folks have been predicting trailblazer's in 7. sure the houston rockets haven't gotten out of the first round of playoffs - well, ever (0-6). sure we all think the calls in the series are bogus. if we have to come back to the rose garden, we're fucked.
rip city uprise!
playoffs 2009
blazers in 7
directly into the water.
6 years ago
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