two of my favorite reality shows came to an end last week, america's next top model and survivor. my, my where to begin...
top model was a serious bust for me this season. i never really connected with any of the girls and i didn't think any of them were successful. to my dismay i did like finalist alison (and i think she got shafted for the win!) and blondie, uh, whatsername. the one who always looked hot at the panel but was too old at 25? i can't think of her name and am too lazy to look for it. it'll come to me - when it does i'll just holler it out. a few cycles ago, my brother-in-law made a comment- something like "if this was the pool of hot chicks in america, we're in trouble." it couldn't have been more true in this season. although tyra did manage to sneak in smiling with her eyes and pointing out those that did in their photos; miss j wore the ridiculous bow tie that got bigger with every elimination; nigel was able to finagle 2 (count them, 2) photo shoots, mr. jay was a shade darker of orange and paulina became a bigger bitch - this cycle was a weekly crap fest. i will have forgotten about it by the next round. ding!
survivor on the other hand...great season. the countless blindsides (which really is the only way to eliminate players these days) were fantastic - especially brenden and tyson. haven't people learned that the second they get too cocky or secure that's when you go home. as for the finale, i can't believe steven and jt voted taj out at 4. there really was no reason - their reasoning was that taj could possibly beat them in the final immunity challenge were it endurance. even though there was an endurance challenge the week before. the last few seasons they've been doing more concentrating challenges - which after 39 days without regular meals, sleep and water is probably really quite hard. now, if taj had gone to the finals with steven (whom she said she would have taken with her to the end because they "promised") she would have killed him as jt did. if she went with jt it would have been close, but i still think jt would have won out, more like 4-3 instead of jt BLOWING OUT steven! he totally dug a hole for himself at the final tribal council where he was brutally honest, telling all their secrets and claiming he would have taken erinn to the final 2 with him instead of jt -- who he'd "promised." you aren't honest! you're still playing, you idiot! the final tribal council isn't about actually answering the questions at hand, it's about listening and figuring out what the jury wants to hear. steven, i think, played the game brilliantly up until the end. he lost it for himself with his horrible final 2 appearance. although, jt didn't do any better. they both tried to toss the other under the bus and were unsuccessful. i'm glad they remain friends. coach's lie detector test is bullshit. i don't believe this guy for one second. anyone would be a fool to think that was a real test. i want to see him taking the damn thing. you can make anything up on your computer these days. captured by amazonians. really? perhaps there were parts of the story that were true but i just can't believe him. and the "honesty" part of his "game"? i call bullshit again. he is so full of himself i can't get over it. oh, and could he have had more make-up on during the reunion? god. i can't believe they put up with him so long. i was done after 2 weeks of him (which constitutes about 6 days on the island), but 36 days? ugh. why did people hate sierra so? [CELIA!] haven't figured that one out either. she must have been just miserable off camera and got a decent edit.
american idol also comes to an end tomorrow. the polar opposites, kris & adam. adam is definitely more creative and has a classic rock and roll voice (i hate to say it, but when he sang "whole lotta love" i swooned and forgot about robert plant. just for a second...) i must say, though, kris impressed me with his kanye song last week. really, really great. he deserved to beat out danny for that spot. good work kris. let's see who brings it tonight boys. i don't care who wins. i like them both. plus i just want it to be over so we can have so you think you can dance! i love that show. hop on the hot tamale train, whoo-whoo!
directly into the water.
6 years ago
I (heart) JT!!! Must be the southern drawl - he looked cuter when he was scruffy!!!
ReplyDeleteAdam. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved the "heartless" song! I vote for Kris.