can we talk reality tv for a minute? mainly, the biggest loser. for the first time in loser history, someone is playing the game soley for the cash. vicky is a total bitch. i still can't understand her and heba's hatred of phillip. i thought phillip and amy were two of the nicest people on the show. i think they are just jealous that a kicked off amy and phillip have lost the most weight of anyone still in the game. i bet one of those two wins the second prize. for vicky to say that phillip was the only person not worthy of coming back in the game was just ugly and rude. i praise phillip for standing up for himself and amy, who chose to stay in her room and not engage which i thought was big and smart of her, and just point blank ask vicky why she was so mean. she, of course, couldn't really say. big ol heba just got in there and started saying he was a terrible person yada, yada, yada. both of these women have no real proof that phillip is a horrible person. seeing brady voted off this week was sweet justice. amy c made the right decision. first, since brady, vicky, ed and h
eba are all playing more or less for the cash they are 4 strong and amy was just a vote for them to get to the end. they would have cut her faster than you could shake a stick. second, vicky is gonna lose her shit. not counting that brady was a threat to win the competition so you can't blame amy c for chosing brady. amy can't be intimidated by the evil vicky - she was looking out for amy and did the right thing. i look forward to the demise of the rest of them. michelle, colleen, renee and amy c would be a great final 4. i would like to see the mother daughter team and colleen in the final. amy c is pretty much screwed with either alliance. she must stay above the yellow line. the evil gang will be shooting for her until the end. poor thing. she's made the rest of the game a hell for herself but it should make for fascinating television. i know the other women will support her and jillian would train her again in a heartbeat. oh, by the way, i adore jillian. hot, hot, hot. and hot. i think i could turn her...maybe.

Since we have not talked reality tv in awhile, it will be good to catch up on our long drive - I feel exactly as you do on BL...
ReplyDeleteNews flash! You don't have to turn her....she has come to the dark side!!