i am so grateful that i got out early today. i did go for a walk on the east bank esplanade and it was fantastic. this morning was amazing. not a cloud to be seen. i walked from hawthorne, across the steel bridge to tom mccall waterfront park, to bunk back to the car. as i walked over the morrison bridge (i don't recommend it) on my way to bunk sandwiches i got the most amazing clear view of mt. hood. sometimes it doesn't look real. [you should go to bunk and get a sandwich - it's awesome. check out a quick review and directions here.] as per usual, the line was out the door at bunk - but i was able to find a seat inside, eat a tuna melt (uh, yum), drink 2 glasses of water and mexican coke. i read my book and left for home. on my way i was driving in the industrial east side and a woman in a blue accord pulled out and she almost got smashed between me and the car coming the opposite direction. as i slowed i realized it was my friend stephanie gaslin. i almost smashed my friend! yikes. then i had to laugh. that is so stephanie. so i called her and told her i almost smashed into her and that if she wanted to hang out just to call. i'm glad she didn't pick up. i don't think she should be talking and driving. anyhoo, on the way home darkness has returned. my blue sky is gone. but i was in it for 3.5 hours walking, sitting, reading, listening to my iPod and taking in portland. i love this city. and when the sun is shining i like it even more.
sister, you are correct. kris (with a k, ugh! i agree) did sing that horrible song 'man in the mirror'. i do not like that song much. can we just bring back anoop and end it?
so most of you know about my neighbor manny and his leaf blowing/sawing metal ways at 7 am. well, manny moved about 3 months ago and it's seemed so nice and quiet. new folks moved in and they have a barking dog. isn't that nice? everytime me or jen comes out of our apartments the dog starts. when jen brings mya out he goes ballistic. he also just barks because he can. gretchen still barks so now i have barking dogs in stereo. this sucks.
directly into the water.
6 years ago
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